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What Is The Marriage Preparation Course?

The Marriage Preparation Course was developed in 1985 by Nicky and Sila Lee (authors of The Marriage Book) to help couples invest in their relationship for a lasting marriage.  


Over five sessions, the course will help you to:

• Recognise the importance of commitment
• Understand and appreciate your differences
• Learn the art of communication
• Resolve conflict    

• Spend time together
• Recognise the influence of your family background
• Develop a good sexual relationship
• Talk about your goals, values and dreams

Who is it for?

The Marriage Preparation Course is for any engaged couple planning to give their marriage the best possible start. The course is also for couples who would like to explore the idea of getting married, or for couples where one or both partners have been married previously. The course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background. You do not need to be getting married in a church to come on the course.

What can we expect?

On The Marriage Preparation Course, you and your partner are hosted by a married couple and seated near a few other engaged couples. Each couple’s privacy is respected as there is no group discussion and no requirement to disclose anything about your relationship to anyone else. However, sharing among couples is also possible if requested by all participants so as to gain more from the sessions


When: To be updated.

How long: 5 weekly sessions


If you and your partner are keen to attend the MPC, please register your interest by following the link below. MPC will be run if there is sufficient demand.

Registration is closed for now.

2019 participant’s comments

“The marriage course is relevant to all married couples coming from different backgrounds. The interviews of other couples in the videos who shared about their marriages helped us deepen our understanding of marriage life. Through their testimonies, we learnt about their difficulties and struggles and how they applied the lessons in the marriage course to overcome them. The tuning in activities and private discussions as a couple in each session helped us learn how to communicate with each other, appreciate each other and work out our differences together. As a newlywed couple who has just started the journey together, we find this course useful to align ourselves in the right direction. We strongly recommend this series to those who have not been through such courses before.”


2020 participant’s comments

“We would like to thank you for seeing us through the past five MPC sessions and facilitating the discussions with your stories and advice. These weekly sessions have been a highlight of our week and allowed us to grow closer... The various topics undergirded by biblical principles are also very useful conversations for us to have as we embark on this marriage journey together, and we are grateful to Charis Methodist Church for opening up the course to us."

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